GALTRON-GEMI is one of the leading companies in the field of healthcare in India, with wide range of products & services catering to segments like Surgery, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, Physiotherapy, ENT, Dermatology, Pediatric, Dental, Opthal, Plastic.
We take great pride in introducing ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers of medical/hospital equipments, established in the year 1976. Our whole range of products are updated with latest technology and they are very sophisticated to meet the needs of todays highly technical world of medical science.
GALTRON-GEMI is strengthening its distribution network in countries all over the world. GALTRON-GEMI is committed to quality, technology and innovation. We have built our reputation on trust and the high level of quality service and equipment which we provide. We hope that you will find our website useful and informative.